Membership BenefitsPlaygroups: Nothing is more reassuring than finding out that your playgroup buddies are facing the same issues that you are ... and the kiddos have a blast!
Moms Night Out: Monthly socials are times when the LSL moms gets together to have fun! They are a great way to get to know other moms. Check either inside the e-newsletter, the events calendar, or the private Facebook group for current information on when and where we will be gathering next. eNewsletter: Enjoy a monthly electronic newsletter filled with upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, recipes and great tips from sponsors. Social Events: The club organizes special events to give club members an opportunity to get out and meet other Lake Saint Louis families. We have activities like the a spring egg hunt and the Halloween Haunting of the Halls for the whole family, as well as a few events just for parents. Resource Guide: This list of local child-care referral centers, parks, preschools, children's stores, and other mom-related services gives members easy access to community resources useful to parents. Facebook Group: Keep up to date on the latest LSL Mothers Club events by being a part of our group. When we receive your membership application, we'll send you an invitation to join the group. We also have a public Facebook page be sure to like it for updates on events in the community! |
Become a MemberWe are always looking for new faces to join the Lake St. Louis Mothers Club! You can join anytime of the year!
Can I become a member?